


  • 公司: 北京裕泰行新材料科技有限公司
  • 地址: 北京 昌平
  • 联系: 侯维新
  • 手机: 15210536041
  • 一键开店

北京裕泰行新材料科技有限公司成立于2007年,集研发、生产、销售、服务为一体的高新技术型企业,主要产品为:弹簧蓄能密封圈及其所使用的弹簧和钢带,注册品牌NULLSEAL®。拥有完全自主的知识产权,多项发明专利。向客户提供弹簧蓄能密封产品,致力于为客户提供中高端密封解决方案,可为密封领域客户提供咨询、设计、测试等综合化服务。目前,产品可面向军工、航天、LNG产业、采油、石化、压缩机、半导体、汽车、精密仪器、医疗设备行业提供密封方案。产品适用温度260℃,适用温度-196℃,小加工内径6mm,加工外径2500mm,通用产品日产能约2000件。拥有原料物性检测能力、成品密封性能试验能力、弹簧自主加工能力、弹簧设备设计研发能力、弹簧性能检测能力。NULLSEAL®立志做中国自主的高端密封品牌,并成为和保持特殊密封领域的。Beijing Null-Seal New Material Technology Co., Ltd.Established in 2007, a high-tech enterprise that integrates R&D, production, sales and service. Main products: spring energized seal and spring and steel band used by it, which have been registered brand NULLSEAL®. We has completely independent intellectual property rights and a number of invention patents. We not only offer customers spring energized seal products and high-end sealing solutions, but also provide consulting, design, testing and other comprehensive services.Our products can apply to the military industry, aerospace, LNG industry, oil production, petrochemical, compressors, semiconductors, automobiles, precision instruments, and medical equipment industries. The limit applicable temperature of the product is -196°C to 260°C. The limit processingdiameter of the productis6mm to 2500mm, and the maximum daily production capacity of the products is about 2,000 pcs. We have raw material property testing capability, product sealing testing capability, spring processing capability, spring equipment R&D capability, and spring performance testing capability. NULLSEAL® is determined to be Chinese independent high-end sealing brand, and it will become the absolute leader in the field of special sealing.



  • 主营: 泛塞封,弹簧蓄能密封圈
  • 地址: 北京 昌平
  • 联系: 侯维新
  • 手机: 15210536041
  • 本站共被浏览过 1651 次

